To Learn more about the Vore Buffalo Jump, Plains Indians, and buffalo, click on the following articles:
The Apachean Saga - On the Other Side of The Mountains by Gene Gade
The Mystery of Dismal River Culture and its Possible VBJ Connections by Gene Gade
The Incredible Shrinking Buffalo by Gene Gade
Vore Buffalo Jump: Geology by Alvis L. Lisenbee
Atlatls and Darts to Bows and Arrows – A Revolution in Projectile Technology by Gene Gade
The Momentous Arrival of the Bow and Arrow by Gene Gade
Long Lost “Caller of the Game” Robe “Rediscovered” at Smithsonian
Judging from Jaws by Gene Gade
Knife River Flint – Prized Knapping Stone of the Northern Plains by Gene Gade
Who was Limpy? by Gene Gade
State Archaeologist Reports On His Research At Vore Buffalo Jump by Dr, Greg Pierce
Pride and Pestilence – How Disease Epidemics Changed Plains Indian Tribal Dynamics by Gene Gade
Geology of the Vore Buffalo Jump by Megan Schnorenberg and Gene Gade
Kiowa – Possible Users of the VBJ by Gene Gade
Vore Buffalo Jump Archaeology and the La Verendrye Expedition Report by Gene Gade
Wolves, Dog, Hybrids and Plains Indians by Gene Gade
Spanish Diggings – The Source of Most Vore Site Artifacts by Gene Gade
Tribes that (Probably) Used the Vore Buffalo Jump – Plains Apaches and Kiowas Part one of a five part series by Gene Gade
Tribes that (Probably) Used the Vore Buffalo Jump – Shoshone Part two of a five part series by Gene Gade
Tribes that (Probably) Used the Vore Buffalo Jump – the Crow Part three of a five part series by Gene Gade
Tribes that (Probably) Used the Vore Buffalo Jump – the Cheyenne Part four of a five part series by Gene Gade
Tribes that (May Have) Used the Vore Buffalo Jump – the Sioux Part five of a five part series by Gene Gade
Trails of the Vore Site Stone by Gene Gade
Skull Circles: Use of Bison Skulls in Tribal Ceremonies by Gene Gade
Plains Indians, Horses, and the Vore Buffalo Jump by Gene Gade
How Much Meat Could a Meat Hunter Eat if a Meat Hunter Could Find Meat? Doing Math on Plains Indian Diets by Gene Gade
The Vore Site as “Weather Station” by Gene Gade
Plains Bison Mysteries that Remain. Part 1: The Buffalo Population and Why it Crashed by Gene Gade
How much did Plains Indian hunting effect buffalo or other wildlife populations? by Gene Gade
The VBJ and the Apache Odyssey by Gene Gade
The Ancient and Arduous Art of Brain Tanning Buffalo Hides by Gene Gade